Qlib-Server Deployment


To build a Qlib-Server, user can choose:

  • One-click Deployment of Qlib-Server
  • Step-by-step Deployment of Qlib-Server

One-click Deployment

One-click deployment of Qlib-Server is supported, users can choose either of the following two methods for one-click deployment:

  • Deployment with docker-compose
  • Deployment in Azure

One-click Deployment with docker-compose

Deploy Qlib-Server with docker-compose according to the following processes:

  • Install docker, please refer to Docker Installation.

  • Install docker-compose, please refer to Docker-compose Installation.

  • Run the following command to deploy Qlib-Server:

    git clone https://github.com/microsoft/qlib-server
    cd qlib-server
    sudo docker-compose -f docker_support/docker-compose.yaml --env-file docker_support/docker-compose.env build
    sudo docker-compose -f docker_support/docker-compose.yaml --env-file docker_support/docker-compose.env up -d
    # Use the following command to track the log
    sudo docker-compose -f docker_support/docker-compose.yaml --env-file docker_support/docker-compose.env logs -f

One-click Deployment in Azure


Users need to have an Azure account to deploy Qlib-Server in Azure.

Deploy Qlib-Server in Azure according to the following processes:

  • Install azure-cli, please refer to install-azure-cli

  • Add the Azure account to the configuration file azure_conf.yaml

    sub_id: Your Subscription ID
    username: azure user name
    password: azure password
    # The resource group where the VM is located
    resource_group: Resource group name
  • Execute the deployment script
    • Run the following command:
    git clone https://github.com/microsoft/qlib-server
    cd qlib-server/scripts
    python azure_manager.py create_qlib_cs_vm \
        --qlib_server_name test_server01 \
        --qlib_client_names test_client01 \
        --admin_username test_user \
        --ssh_key_value ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub \
        --size standard_NV6_Promo\
        --conf_path azure_conf.yaml
    • To know more about parameters, please run the following command:
    python azure_manager.py create_qlib_cs_vm -- --help

Step-by-step Deployment

Users can deploy Qlib-Server step by step, which has the following processes:

  • Build RabbitMQ
  • Build Redis
  • Build NFS
  • Build Qlib-Server

Build RabbitMQ

RabbitMQ is a general task queue that enables qlib-server to separate request handling process and data generating process.


Users need not to build RabbitMQ instance on the same server as Qlib-Server.

Build RabbitMQ according to the following processes:

  • Import RabbitMQ signing key on your system:

    echo 'deb http://www.rabbitmq.com/debian/ testing main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rabbitmq.list
    wget -O- https://www.rabbitmq.com/rabbitmq-release-signing-key.asc | sudo apt-key add -
  • Update apt cache and install RabbitMQ server on your system:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server
  • Enable the RabbitMQ service and start it.

    # Using Init –
    sudo update-rc.d rabbitmq-server defaults
    sudo service rabbitmq-server start
    sudo service rabbitmq-server stop
    # Using Systemctl -
    sudo systemctl enable rabbitmq-server
    sudo systemctl start rabbitmq-server
    sudo systemctl stop rabbitmq-server
  • Create admin user in RabbitMQBy

    By default RabbitMQBy creates a username guest with password guest. Users can also create admin user in RabbitMQ:

    sudo rabbitmqctl add_user admin <your password>
    sudo rabbitmqctl set_user_tags admin administrator
    sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / admin ".*" ".*" ".*"
  • Enable web management console

    RabbitMQ also provides and web management console for managing the entire RabbitMQ. To enable web management console run following command. The web management console helps users with managing RabbitMQ server.

    sudo rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management

    Visit <your rabbitmq host>:15672 to manage your queue. Keep in mind your rabbitmq host and credentials. It will be used in qlib-server config.

Build Redis

Qlib-Server needs redis to store and read some meta info as well as thread lock.


Users need not to build redis instance on the same server as Qlib-Server.

Build redis according to the following processes:

  • Download the latest version of redis and install
    mkdir ~/redis
    cd ~/redis
    wget http://download.redis.io/releases/redis-5.0.4.tar.gz
    tar -zxvf redis-5.0.4.tar.gz
    cd redis-5.0.4
    sudo make && make install
  • Start redis service

    The default port of redis is 6379. Keep in mind your redis host and port. It will be used in qlib-server config.

Build NFS

Before starting Qlib-Server, it’s necessary to make sure the cache file directories are mounted (or at least ready to be mounted) to clients by configuring nfs service.

Build NFS according to the following processes:

  • Install NFS service:

    sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server
  • Check if the nfs port is open:
    netstat -tl


    By seeing tcp   0   0 *:nfs   *:*    LISTEN, the nfs port is ready for listening. Restart the service to ensure it can be used:

    sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart
  • Modify /etc/exports to give the directories ability to be mounted. To find out how the keywords like rw work and change them, please refer to nfs documents.

sudo echo '<your data directory> *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash)'>>/etc/exports

Use showmount to view the exported directories.

Build Qlib-Server

Users can choose one of the following two methods to build Qlib-Server:

  • Build with Source Code
  • Build with Dockerfile

Build with Source Code

Build Qlib-Server with source code according to the following processes:

  • Enter the Qlib-Server directory and run python setup.py install.

  • Modify the config.yaml according to users’ needs and configs.

  • Start using Qlib-server by running:
    cp config_template.yaml config.yaml
    edit config.yaml  # Please edit the server config.
    python main.py -c config.yaml


Rabbitmq and redis configurations cannot be shared among multiple qlib-server instances


In config_1.yaml, redis_db:1 task_queue: 'task_queue_1' √
In config_2.yaml, redis_db:2 task_queue: 'task_queue_2' √
In config_1.yaml, redis_db:1 task_queue: 'task_queue_1' ×
In config_2.yaml, redis_db:1 task_queue: 'task_queue_1' ×


The content of config.yaml is as follows

  • provider_uri
    Qlib data directory
  • flask_server
    Flask server host/ip, can be or private ip
  • flask_port
    Data service port, with which the client port must be consistent to access server
  • queue_host
    RabbitMQ server ip/host
  • queue_user
    RabbitMQ user name
  • queue_pwd
    RabbitMQ password
  • task_queue
    Task queue of Qlib-Server, if rabbitmq serves multiple Qlib-Server s, this value cannot be repeated
  • message_queue
    Message queue of Qlib-Server, if rabbitmq serves multiple Qlib-Server s, this value cannot be repeated
  • redis_host
    Redis server host/ip
  • redis_port
    Redis server port
  • redis_task_db
    Redis database name
  • auto_update
    Currently, this parameter is not used
  • update_time
    Currently, this parameter is not used
  • client_version
    The version of Qlib must be newer than client_version to access the Qlib-Server
  • server_version
    The version of Qlib must be newer than server_version to install or run Qlib-Server
  • dataset_cache_dir_name
    The name of the dataset cache directory, it is not recommended to modify
  • features_cache_dir_name
    The name of the features cache directory, it is not recommended to modify
  • logging_level
    Level control of Qlib-Server log
  • logging_config
    Log configuration, it is not recommended to modify

Build from Dockerfile

Build Qlib-Server with Dockerfile according to the following processes:

  • Install docker, please refer to Docker Installation.

  • Start using Qlib-Server by running:

    git clone https://github.com/microsoft/qlib-server
    cd qlib-server
    sudo docker build -f docker_support/Dockerfile -t qlib-server \
        --build-arg QLIB_DATA=/data/stock_data/qlib_data \
            QUEUE_HOST=rabbitmq_server \
            QUEUE_USER=rabbitmq_user \
            QUEUE_PASS=rebbitmq_password \
            MESSAGE_QUEUE=message_queue \
            TASK_QUEUE=task_queue \
            REDIS_HOST=redis_server \
            FLASK_SERVER_HOST= \
    sudo docker run -p 9710:9710 qlib-server